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At STONE Life Care Planning, we focus primarily on life care planning and providing expert witness services. Learn more about each of these practices below or connect with us today to discuss how we can help you, your loved one, or your case.



A life care plan is a vital part of creating a secure path for one’s future. 


By definition, a life care plan is a dynamic legal document based on published standards of practice, thorough assessment, analysis and research. It’s purpose is to provide an organized, comprehensive plan for the current and future needs of an individual who experienced catastrophic injury or has a chronic health condition. 


A life care plan will outline both the medical and non-medical needs of an individual to  include associated costs. 


Topics considered for a comprehensive life care plan often include evaluations, therapies, diagnostic testing, medical and adaptive equipment, aids for independent living, prescription and nonprescription medications, home care/facility care, routine medical care, transportation, architectural modifications for ADA compliance and access, mitigation for potential complications, surgical intervention, and vocational services. 

At STONE Life Care Planning, our team takes an empathetic and structured approach in gathering information to include interviews with our client and family members, reviewing medical records and supporting documentation, consulting with treatment providers and experts along with researching required costs for care and treatment. 


Connect with us to learn more about our life care planning services today.


In the context of medical and health life care planning, an expert witness may consult and provide testimony on issues and topics related to discerning the future medical and personal needs, earning capacity, work capacity, extent of disability, life care valuation, rehabilitation, disability management and more. 

Life care planning expert witnesses may also draw upon their medical expertise to speak to loss of income, life care plan development, cost/benefit analysis of medical support, home environment and required accommodations, cost projections for mediation settlements, assessment of medical and non-medical needs, and more. 


At STONE Life Care Planning, our team combines decades of direct occupational therapy and rehabilitation experience and a certification as a Life Care Planner(CLCP) to serve as an expert witness.


Connect with us to learn more about our expert witness services today.

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